No one cares. I mean that literally. Every time I finish reading a New York Times article, I check the comments section on Facebook, just to see how vile and putrid the dregs of humanity can be, and every time…
Though election day is still far away, many of you may not be aware that Donald Trump has already won. Why, you might ask? That takes us to the major motion picture Superman vs Batman: Dawn of Justice. This amazingly…
It seems like almost everyone knows billionaire business mogul Donald Trump. Trump has stirred conversation here and abroad, much of it negative. Many of the foreign students we spoke to found Trump’s politics shocking yet strangely familiar. He is employing…
If New York wants to pretend that it’s democratic, it needs to fix how its elections work. The United States as a whole is not a shining beacon of voter turnout, instead trailing most of the developed world, according to…
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most outstanding awards to receive. A Nobel recipient is not only a champion of the people but a person of exemplary moral stature. This year’s nominees are nothing short of that: Nadia…
The GOP was shocked when Donald Trump sundered the Republican Party over the summer by tapping into the anti-establishment movement he quickly rose to the number one spot in the polls. But what may be more shocking than that is…
We’re reaching the point now in our current election season where everything is on the table. All the problems in the process itself are visible and tangible. This is the chance to fix our broken system, or there might not…