Members of the New York City Transit Authority Committee and more than 65 citizens watched as Christine Serdjenian Earwood addressed the lack of elevators on the subway, calming her son nested in her baby carrier at the same time.
On Saturday, November 12, residents from all over the Setauket area gathered at the parking lot of the town’s train station to take part in the Three Villages March for Black Lives. In the early morning, dozens of people stood…
The non-indictment of a policeman who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice sprung the BlackLivesMatter movement anew in Washington Square Park tonight. As marchers from NYCRISEUP4TAMIR braved the sleet down Broadway protesting police brutality and systematic racism, the movement’s supporters agreed…
Russia’s most famous punk collective, Pussy Riot, recently released new music for the first time since the imprisonment of two members in 2012 that spurred an international movement against Russian censorship. The song, “I Can’t Breathe” is the band’s first…