Brookfest is never not a mess. Information is often difficult to find, emails get lost in the Google digital labyrinth and the excitement over Future/Cash Cash disappears over the fury of a thousand Seawolves not getting their beloved floor tickets.
Well, the Press decided to collate all the information, lost in the newsfeed, on the official Facebook event page for your reading pleasure.
Why haven’t I gotten an email? The way Google handles emails prevents USG from sending out thousands of emails at a time. There’s a cooldown period between sending out large batches of emails to keep spambots out of your inboxes. So don’t worry, you’ll get an email sooner or later (no promises on whether you’ll get floor or stand tickets, or if you’ll even get in at all).
Why didn’t I get a floor ticket?
The early access form was sent out at 12:55 PM, and those who signed up for the email blast managed to get most of the floor tickets before the general form even went up. If you got your email late, blame Google.
Can I still sign up for a ticket?Undergraduate students who responded to the Google Form receive priority initially but if tickets go unclaimed, people on the waiting list will be eligible to receive tickets.
Can graduate students go to the show?Nope, graduate students don’t get to sign up since they don’t pay the student activity fee (which is used to pay for the entire concert). But don’t fret, there are live shows and concerts constantly on campus. Live from WUSB has local bands playing in the Stony Brook Union every month (check out their Facebook page for more info) and Rockyoface hosts free concerts on campus (here’s their Facebook page).
Can I buy a ticket from someone and get in if I’m not an undergraduate student?You’re gonna need an ID to get in. And they’ll be checking, so you can’t use someone else’s ID to get in.
Why wasn’t this show held in a larger hall?Well, you’ll have to pay more. And if you don’t have any problems with increasing the student activity fee, make sure you let USG know.
Why not hold it in LaValle Stadium? It costs more to hold it in LaValle, so again contact USG or attend the Student Activities Board meetings (1 PM on Wednesdays on the second floor of the SAC in the USG offices).
Can’t we just get more people on the floor?
Fire marshall guidelines prevent the arena from having more than 800 attendees on the floor.
Who are Future and Cash Cash?
If you’ve gotten this far and still don’t know who Future and Cash Cash are, check out out music podcast Press Play to learn a little more about the artists playing up
If you have tips, issues or concerns with Brookfest, drop us a line at
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