Last week, East 11th Street turned back the clocks and took us to a time where pop punk reigned. A time when the world wasn’t divided between shoegaze-influences and twinkle-influences. A time where it was okay to write catchy songs with breakdowns about girls, heartbreak and drinking smoothies in the summer. A fabled time known as 2011.
Well, not quite.
What actually took place was a fun-filled “easycore” throwback in the sold-out middle room of Webster Hall, featuring the once-thought-dead heavy hitters of the time– Set Your Goals and Misser.
Set Your Goals played their 2006 breakout record Mutiny in full, celebrating its tenth anniversary, along with some of their other hits from across their discography. Misser was direct support, playing their first shows since a brief winter tour in the very beginning of 2014.
The nonstop hit-after-hit pace of the songs on Mutiny brought the first neon shirt stage dives and breakdown-laced pop punk that New York has seen in at least five years.
Of course, in the tradition of celebrating the new, Set Your Goals also brought along pop punk newbies Like Pacific with them.
You can see our pictures from the evening below.

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