Bristol Palin and Mike Sorrentino, both well known for their less than responsible sex lives, will attempt to convince young people to do as they say, not as they do. The Candie’s Foundation recently released a PSA about abstinence and safe sex starring the pair of teen icons.
Both Palin and Sorrentino were contestants on the popular reality show Dancing with the Stars this year. Palin will be dancing in the finale, while Sorrentino was eliminated early on in the season.
In the ad, Palin and Sorrentino refer to each other as ‘B Palin’ and ‘Sitch’. Palin advocates abstinence, citing her own hardships as a teenage mom, after Sorrentino offers her a condom. As for The Situation, he practices safe sex. “A whole lot” of it. The ad ends with him sticking his pack of Magnums in the camera saying “Bam.”
The word ‘situation’ was used in every context imaginable. In only two minutes, it was used to refer to sex, pregnancy, Sorrentino, and actual situations.
Are they crazy for letting them do this? Do they really think that teens talk like this? I doubt it. This may be the best PSA I’ve ever seen. It was too long to be a commercial anyway. This was meant to and will be a viral video that will appeal to anyone with a sense of humor. As for the message, it just might sink in for a few people who aren’t too confused by the whole situation.