The Graduate Student Employees Union at Stony Brook University earned a badge of honor last week, courtesy of Glenn Beck.
On his nightly show, Beck devoted his 5pm hour to exploring the evils of a college education, using a new study that shows that colleges are in fact liberal breeding grounds as evidence that students are being “brainwashed.”
Here’s the offending piece of video. Scroll to just about the 4:00 mark and keep your eyes on the screen behind Beck.
Awesome, no?
Beck’s attempted demonization of the organizations involved with the March 4 Day of Action was part of a broader theme, a special entitled “Indoctrination of our Kids, An American Epidemic.” In addition to calling out university student groups, he resurrected two videos of elementary school classes singing about President Obama; a video from the campaign where a college-aged student (Beck estimated her age to be “no more than 14.”