In October, curiosity led SBU alum David Arkay into Washington Square Park, where he was met with a crowd of about 2,000 eager fangirls and fanboys, dozens of Chalamet doppelgangers and one golden opportunity. Today, he’s still chasing his curiosity — and encourages the rest of us to do so too.
Inteefada Shirts, a clothing brand that sells T-shirts with pro-Palestine phrases and images, designed and printed by a former SBU student, has raised over $20,000 in aid for Gaza relief. The founder said she created the brand out of “pure love.”
At SBU, students and faculty accused the administration of blocking pro-Palestine speech through police force and organizational restrictions. School officials denied this.
The Exchange’s website states that the project is committed to environmental justice by improving “discriminatory practices of the past” and acknowledges the damage that climate change does specifically to “low-income communities and communities of color.” However, none of the partner coalitions and social organizations under The Exchange have been identified as Indigenous or Indigenous-affiliated.
Pro-Palestine student groups across the U.S. have not been supported by university administrations. Instead, these groups have been faced with Islamophobia, censorship and blatant, violent hate crimes on their own campuses.
Stony Brook University’s (SBU) chapter of Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) is working to get Plan B, an emergency contraceptive (EC), into vending machines around campus. They have already made a big first step in their mission to provide access to EC — distributing free packages of it in person at their general body meetings and tabling events.
On Tuesday, March 26, a pro-Palestine demonstration led by organizers of the Stony Brook University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine ended with the arrest of nine protesters in Stony Brook University’s Administration Building.
Only a five-minute drive away from Stony Brook University’s main campus, The Jazz Loft is one of only five jazz museums in the United States. Being a club and performance hall, The Loft promotes jazz conversation through jazz productions and educational outreach. Last fall, I had the opportunity to be a marketing intern at the Loft, which opened my eyes to its deeper narratives and initiatives.
At the university level, LGBTQ+ students are fighting against gender-segregated housing. In April 2023, freshmen students living in Stony Brook University’s Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) corridor in Wagner Hall sent a long, detailed email to Campus Housing. The email addressed inequalities experienced by transgender and gender non-conforming students in on-campus housing at Stony Brook.