Club leadership nervously pored over the USG budget on Saturday morning, hoping that their budget was cut by a high enough percent to apply for more funding. New guidelines and unusually sharp budget cuts forced the students at Stony Brook…
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The Student Activities Board, the Undergraduate Student Government agency responsible for bringing big acts like Aziz Ansari, Bruno Mars and Christian Finnegan to campus last year, received an additional $264,887 over last year’s initial budget despite drastically overspending their 2010-2011…
The Student Activities Board’s accomplishment in bringing Aziz Ansari and Immortal Technique to Stony Brook in the same week highlights what can now be called a successful transition from the old SAB to the current one. As the one-year-anniversary of…
By Najib Aminy The last place Stony Brook commuter Mathew Christoforou would think he’d be on a Friday night is back on campus. He usually at home or at a party, both far away from the Academic Mall, he says.…
By Nick Statt Clad in what looked like a multi-thousand dollar grey and black suit, comedian Aziz Ansari strolled onto the Staller stage Wednesday night to an explosive crowd. Even Aziz himself didn’t quite know how to receive the fervor,…
Budget woes, impeachments and a penis scandal, oh my! The offices of the Stony Brook Undergraduate Student Government on the second floor of the Student Activities Center are filling up with gossip, political jockeying and the clashing of power-hungry egomaniacs. Oh, and some governing.