Today, Kanye’s creative ventures have seemed to finally interlock with his deepest emotional ventures. Donda is the title of West’s tenth studio album for that reason. She was the point of intersection for Kanye’s creative and emotional planes of existence. She always will be.
I know from personal experience that, although a fun process, developing a regular style is not easy. Sometimes I’ll imagine the outfit, but, when I try it on, it doesn’t seem to be that pretty, or different, or aesthetic, or whatever word I had in my head when I thought it up.
The music speaks for itself, but it wasn’t just about the beats. He made those beats until he physically couldn’t anymore; until the fingers that so elegantly graced each button on his MPC 3000 stood still. Dilla loved what he did more than anything else, and he rode off into the sunset while all of us were left bobbing our heads, with tears in our eyes.
Everybody’s coming out is different. Queer realization can hit you like a bus or creep up over time — maybe even a combination of both. There is no right way to go about it.
This so-called “video game movie curse” has slowly found its way into the mainstream conversation with films like Doom, Resident Evil and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, all coming out in the early 2000s. Each of these films were panned by critics despite bringing in millions to the box office.
Read our third print issue of the year, including a story on the future of the riot grrrl movement, an interview with Black TikTok creator HeyTonyTV, reviews of music from Adele and Black Pumas, commentary on Turning Point USA, sex education and waste in the fashion industry, and more.