On Nov. 28, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that they will now be using a new, preferred name for monkeypox — mpox. The name change was done in order to “reduce stigma” surrounding the virus.
My boyfriend says I’m cool because during Zoom meetings, I hike through the woods sporting my chestnut Ray-Ban sunglasses with the tops of the trees as my background. I don’t think much of it, other than that it’s my preferred environment. I like to move.
Glorifying such rotten individuals and their wicked acts is not only immoral — it is beyond disrespectful to the victims’ families.
From the album announcement to the listening experience, the journey of Midnights was one of pure enjoyment — always keeping everyone on their toes for what was to come next.
The first small-scale episode in Reel Talk’s Spotlight series focuses on Jordan Peele’s three films and their impact on horror and the film industry.
Students at Stony Brook University share a wide range of feelings on COVID. A small number of students and staff members can be seen wearing masks, while others have no fear of sitting shoulder to shoulder in large lecture halls, or on the bleachers at sporting events.