If you ask a Stony Brook University student about activism on campus, they’d likely have little, if anything, to say. To Mitchel Cohen, a student from 1965 to 1975, that reality is hard to swallow. Just half a century ago, Cohen’s days were punctuated with protests on what, according to him, was the most politically active campus on the East Coast. As it turns out, the history of Long Island’s “sleeper campus” is littered with smashed windows, smoke bombs and student arrests.

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For the first couple of weeks of my life as a vegetarian, I was set to never taste what I assumed was the unique savory profile of beef and fish ever again. But then I saw a strange ad at my community college cafeteria asking me to try the Impossible Burger. Alongside claims of carbon footprint reduction, it had a similar promise to a later ad for their Burger King outing: “Try it and don’t see the difference.” And at least for me, I can say that the Impossible Burger did the impossible successfully — it made a beef-like burger without any beef.

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Who would have known that on a scorching summer day in Brazil, Mexico would receive an icy bath of heartbreaking reality — a last gasp penalty kick that would eliminate them from the FIFA World Cup. The decision — and the dive that forced it — were heavily scrutinized on social media. Minutes after the match, chaos broke out on Twitter — giving life to a meme that would echo in the feeds of Mexican football fans for years. “No Era Penal,” was born.

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