After teasing a reunion for a few months, the Jonas Brothers have reunited under the named JONAS and released their first single since 2013. However, the highly anticipated song fell short. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m just as excited for the Jonas Brothers reunion as anybody else. All I’m saying is that they can never live up to or recreate what they once were. Reuniting after a six-year hiatus is no small feat, but will the hype overshadow the fact that no new song will ever be able to top “Burnin’ Up”? 

Everyone always wants good childhood things to make a comeback, but they never quite live up to the expectations. This has happened time and time again, more recently seen in sequels and remakes of some iconic movies. For example, Disney’s upcoming Aladdin and Frozen 2. 

Listening to “Sucker” for the first time was interesting. Once I got past the feeling of “OH MY GOD THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE BACK,” I was able to really listen to the song. Sucker is a fun song that I would probably not switch if it came on shuffle or the radio, but it’s missing the emo-ness that really spoke to me as a nine-year-old. It’s just not the song I was expecting from three grown-up Jonas Brothers.

While I was watching the music video I kept thinking about this tweet:

Realistically, they probably came back because they needed to pay for all their weddings and knew that they could capitalize big time on this. Which is why this reunion doesn’t feel genuine. They chose a time where they’re already receiving a decent amount of attention to announce something as big as the end of a hiatus. As long as people are talking about them, who cares about the music, right? Is Joe still in DNCE? Whatever happened to Nick Jonas & The Administration? What does Kevin even do? 

After that ill-fated day in October 2013 when Kevin said, “We feel like it’s time that the Jonas Brothers comes to an end,” and the rumors of tension within the group, it seems hard to believe that they suddenly decided to put differences aside to continue working together again. 

When I got my first iPod there was a solid week in my life where I listened to nothing but “Lovebug” on repeat and danced like a fool in my living room. The “NOW I’M-” and guitar breakdown has been the default music in my head for probably about a decade now. I don’t think any song will ever make me feel the way I did the first time I heard “Lovebug.”

Let’s talk about L.A.-fucking-Baby. That song went so hard for no reason. They really did that for us. They’ll never be able to recreate that, only chasing the iconicness of that song. Producing songs that could just never be. Sorry, I really love “L.A. Baby.”

The most unfair part of the reunion is that they left Frankie “The Bonus” Jonas out AGAIN. How do you leave the fourth brother out of a band called the Jonas Brothers not once, but two separate times?

Maybe I am being overly critical and pessimistic about the future or whatever, but there’s no doubt that the Jonas Brothers will make some good songs in this reunion. The Jonas Brothers can do anything. They broke the stereotype of boy bands performing synchronized dance routines and all wearing matching outfits. They paved the way for later bands like One Direction. And in the spirit of reunions, One Direction, it’s your turn.


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