
video games


Even as someone who’s not the biggest fan of FromSoftware’s Souls series, I believe every other game should follow Elden Ring in terms of open world design. Playing Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild is like eating lobster at a candle-lit dinner with your significant other on a honeymoon: it’s euphoric in a way that I struggle to put into words. 

I’ve devoted over 60 hours to eviscerating my enemies, shoving people off cliffs and executing those I’ve bested. I have felt the swell of triumph that comes with defeating a good opponent and the aggravation from being slaughtered by three…

2016 has been a monumental year for fans of Pokémon. It honestly feels like no other franchise has celebrated a yearly anniversary likePokémon did. Under the 20th anniversary there were new additions and remade classics to the trading card game,…

“Resident Evil 7” is filled to the brim with character. Character that has been missing from “Resident Evil” since Capcom tried moving the series to a more action-orientated experience as opposed to one that’s seeded in the series’s survival horror…