Upon visiting Kayleigh’s social media pages, users are greeted with vibrant blue, aquamarine, white and green color palettes. Scrolling through her feed is like being teleported into an underwater world: there are videos of her redirecting sharks, pictures from her trip to Belize, clips of her diving with whales and shots of her “strolling” through the seagrass. Her content is an escape for avid scuba divers or marine life lovers who are confined within the walls of tiny apartments. It can also serve as an educational resource for those who are unfamiliar with the ocean and the creatures that inhabit it.
I stood in the dark backyard, waiting for the concert to begin as a blue glow poured from the open basement door. Regardless of how nervous I was, the warmth of the basement was inviting on such a cold evening. Plus, the friendliness of the strangers around me made me excited to descend into the concert with them.
Corals are not colorful in real life. The water column filters the colors, making them look duller than they do in wildlife documentaries and high school science textbooks. This is only one out of the many things I learned from the scuba diving side of my life.
Only a five-minute drive away from Stony Brook University’s main campus, The Jazz Loft is one of only five jazz museums in the United States. Being a club and performance hall, The Loft promotes jazz conversation through jazz productions and educational outreach. Last fall, I had the opportunity to be a marketing intern at the Loft, which opened my eyes to its deeper narratives and initiatives.
The Brooklyn-based musician shares stories of collaborations, tours, overcoming self-doubt and her recently released Omen EP.
At the university level, LGBTQ+ students are fighting against gender-segregated housing. In April 2023, freshmen students living in Stony Brook University’s Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) corridor in Wagner Hall sent a long, detailed email to Campus Housing. The email addressed inequalities experienced by transgender and gender non-conforming students in on-campus housing at Stony Brook.