On Oct. 10, Israeli Major General Ghassan Alian called the people of Gaza “human animals [that] must be treated as such.” The following pieces seek to supplant Alian’s dehumanizing rhetoric.
The law is the latest step in a process of healing colonial scars — but these scars cannot heal while bones and bodies of grandmothers and grandfathers still fill up museum exhibitions.
The following recording is the second in a series of tapes The Press and SBU-TV anonymously received on Halloween night regarding former editors Ali and Elene after the recording of their podcast Reel Talk.
The Exchange’s website states that the project is committed to environmental justice by improving “discriminatory practices of the past” and acknowledges the damage that climate change does specifically to “low-income communities and communities of color.” However, none of the partner coalitions and social organizations under The Exchange have been identified as Indigenous or Indigenous-affiliated.
Pro-Palestine student groups across the U.S. have not been supported by university administrations. Instead, these groups have been faced with Islamophobia, censorship and blatant, violent hate crimes on their own campuses.
Read our third print issue of the year, including stories about a Long Island punk music venue, The Jazz Loft at Stony Brook village, the fight for queer justice in America, Brooklyn’s busiest violinist, therapy speak and more. Cover photo by Marie Lolis.