A recurring theme on Santos’ social media posts are concepts related to infinity: countable and uncountable infinities, the Cantor set, limits and so on. With a cult following and a new book out, the possibilities for her future seem to mirror that.
For children, there are fundamental concepts that go into the understanding of death that coincide with their stages of development. Animated Disney films can help us understand and work through them — as children or adults.
Inteefada Shirts, a clothing brand that sells T-shirts with pro-Palestine phrases and images, designed and printed by a former SBU student, has raised over $20,000 in aid for Gaza relief. The founder said she created the brand out of “pure love.”
At SBU, students and faculty accused the administration of blocking pro-Palestine speech through police force and organizational restrictions. School officials denied this.
The law is the latest step in a process of healing colonial scars — but these scars cannot heal while bones and bodies of grandmothers and grandfathers still fill up museum exhibitions.
Hennessy Garcia led a Black Lives Matter march through Washington Square Park in New York City, during the summer of 2020, toting a loudspeaker and hair scrunchies. As she handed the megaphone off like a torch to people who wanted to voice their thoughts on police brutality and the justice system, a woman unaffiliated with the march made her way to the front and stripped naked. Garcia laughed.
Mental health advocacy is booming online. But, in the age of misinformation, what happens when psychological jargon is misused? What impact does this have on interpersonal relationships?
Upon visiting Kayleigh’s social media pages, users are greeted with vibrant blue, aquamarine, white and green color palettes. Scrolling through her feed is like being teleported into an underwater world: there are videos of her redirecting sharks, pictures from her trip to Belize, clips of her diving with whales and shots of her “strolling” through the seagrass. Her content is an escape for avid scuba divers or marine life lovers who are confined within the walls of tiny apartments. It can also serve as an educational resource for those who are unfamiliar with the ocean and the creatures that inhabit it.