By Ilyssa Fuchs

On Friday, September 12, 2008 the International Academic Programs Office held its annual Study Abroad and Exchange Fair outside the SAC.  The fair’s attempt was to get Stony Brook students interested in studying abroad through winter or summer study programs or exchange programs, which run anywhere from six months to a full year.  This year the fair was a success. Many different SUNY schools attend the fair to promote their study abroad and exchange programs.  These schools included Stony Brook, Brockport, New Paltz, Purchase, Cortland, Broome County Community College, and Middlesex University in London.  These schools offer many exciting and challenging programs, which allow Stony Brook students to study in England, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, and various countries in Africa and South America.

As a student who has just returned from an exchange program in England, I was able to talk one-on-one with students who were interested in spending time studying outside of the US.  I personally recommend the program to anyone interested in traveling and meeting people from other countries and cultures while having the opportunity to earn school credit.  If anyone is interested in studying abroad or participating in an exchange program and did not have time to attend the fair, they can stop by the Office for International Student Affairs on the 5th floor of the Melville Library.

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