One of the most criminally overlooked animated series to come out during the 90’s is Everett Peck’s Duckman. Many might not know about the show because it aired on the USA Network, which featured a variety of programs at that time, such as JAG and a rerun of A Few Good Men. Even though it didn’t air on one of the more conventional outlets for unconventional cartoons like MTV, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon, Duckman exemplifies the rough and expressive aspects of many cartoons from the late 90’s. This is due to the show being produced by the company Klasky Csupo, which is known for their most successful series, Rugrats. The titular character of the series, Eric Tiberius Duckman is an anthropomorphic duck and private investigator, voiced by none other than Jason Alexander. If it’s at all possible, he comes off as a darker and angrier version of George Costanza, as if he’s the brainchild of Larry David and a severe bout of alcoholic depression. The show has a great stable of voice actors including Gregg Berger and Tim Curry as Duckman’s would be arch-enemy, if Duckman’s worst enemy wasn’t himself. Duckman attempts to juggle the bizarre menagerie that is his family with what can only technically be called his professional career. It may come as no surprise to hear that a show about a dysfunctional man living with the twin sister in law of his deceased wife, while trying to raise an invalid older son and a pair of younger siamese twin geniuses can get dark, but at times the jokes revolving around the absurd supporting cast cease and the show can become shockingly sincere with its melancholy, at times. If anything, this show may be more relevant now than ever to show the evolution of adult cartoons off the beaten path. If anyone expresses shock that a show like Rick and Morty can have somber moments that actually work, they need to see Duckman.
Sean Fischer