South Parking Lot was left beneath yet another round of snow, just as Stony Brook's snow removal budget dries up.

Bring your snow boots and maybe a shovel when you move back this weekend, folks.

According to Stony Brook University President Samuel Stanley, the budget set aside for clearing snow from campus is already running dry, even before the Spring 2011 semester begins.

Relentless winter storms have together dumped well over two feet of snow on campus already, each one requiring tons of salt and sand and a fleet of plows to clear roadways, parking lots and campus walkways. In the South P, snow banks line the parking lot, some measuring 10 feet high.

The latest snowfall today coated Stony Brook in another 5 inches days before thousands of students return for the semester. In perhaps a sign of financial belt tightening, building staff were sent outdoors with shovels to clear walkways by the Student Union and Student Activities Center instead of motorized plows.

Campus Facilities wasn’t immediately available for comment, but we’ll be following up in the morning on just how big of a problem mother nature may be dumping on our laps.

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